If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all...
Isn't that what we're taught when we're young? This is actually more of a case where If you don't have anything worthwhile to say, don't say anything at all. I don't blog for the sake of blogging, I don't have a schedule to keep, if there is something I want to convey-I do. Otherwise I keep my mouth (actually my hands!) quiet and read what other people have to say. Obviously not much has been going on worth sharing these past few weeks.
Not that nothing has been going on, I just haven't wanted to share. I was stressing myself out (unnecessarily) over G's first Birthday, not doing very well with training or October unprocessed so I just wanted to hide out a bit.
Remember when I said that October Unprocessed was a lesson in awareness? It definitely is that. And when you don't do very well, you are even more aware! But I will say that I have made some conscious decisions so far that I may not have made had I not been 'participating'. And I'm reading/learning more things every day that are pushing what used to be decisions toward being habits. I think that's progress. The hubs is a hard one to please when it comes to food and I am a sucker for certain things (hello, ice cream!) but where I fail in one area I've worked to make up for it in others.
More and more I'm seeing the link between what I put in my mouth and how my body feels. Not just to fuel workouts, which used to be the main reason I tried to eat well, but for general everyday health. How I sleep, my mood, my energy levels, my uh-um, digestive issues. These are not things I didn't know were related, I'm just paying more attention and you learn a lot when you do that. Novel concept, I know!!! From what I've learned so far I am going to be forced to get real serious, at least on a short term, so this is only the beginning of that journey.
As for G's Birthday...it went well, despite my complete underestimation of the time it would take to decorate her cake and just getting out of the shower when guests arrived. *deep breath* I'll do a post just on the party if for no other reason than to overload you with pics of this crazy kid who literally devoured the cupcake we gave her. Thank goodness I found a clean recipe so although she acted a little sugar drunk after, it was not nearly what it could have been! And me without a video camera :( Thank goodness for smart phones!! She is an absolute riot and cannot believe how blessed I am to be her momma.