Friday, March 23, 2012

New Goals

I can't label myself as a newbie runner since I did first take it up several years ago after I had lost some weight (it suddenly seemed a little less daunting!) but I still don't really see mysel as a 'runner' per se. I want to change that. A half-marathon is a bucket-list item of mine and I'm hopng/working to cross that off the list in the next year.In fact, there's one in particular I'm reaching for: the Disney Princess half and as of post time...

Competition Begins In


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Yes, thats's almost a full year away but a girl's gotta have goals-and if I'm gonna do this I want it  to be an overall fun event and experience. I have a couple friends already committed to making it a fun (and run!) in the sun girl's adventure so hopefully I can look forward to it.

I must admit I am comletely intimidated by the thought of running for hours at a time, so I need to step up my mental game. Seriously, if I can take 21 hours to deliver an 8 1/2 lb baby with no pain meds, what in the world would ever make me think I couldn't do this?
I have a few training plans I've used over and over so I've fallen back on them to help me get started. I already completed a 5k program and have moved on to a 10 weeks to a 10k plan. It's been much tougher than in the past, I'll admit but I'm back to prepregnancy weight and it feels good to be active ad have a goal.  I've never made it past Week 5 of this plan and I've never run further than 6 miles (once!) at a time, so there's alot to learn and I'll share my successes and inevitable set backs as I go.

My other new goal/pursuit is clean eating-but that deserves its own post. Plus that will give me more time to get rid of the 'dirty' stuff in my house before I start talking about it :)

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