Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Gwyn's World: My 1st Easter

Gwyn's first Easter. Not her first big holiday but the first where she's been big enough to enjoy any little gifts she gets. Mommy and Daddy just got her a few things, some books, a new (cheerleader!) rubber ducky and a summer outfit. She stared down the ducky bath mit and then promptly tried to remove him from the pail posing as a basket. And we wasted no time reading all of the books Easter night!

She also got her very first cell phone courtesy of Aunt Kristi (Gwyn has been sending text messages from Aunt Kristi's phone for quite some time now!) and this cool toy that sticks to her high chair tray from Grami. This concept is pretty awesome considering her new favorite thing is to throw all her toys on the floor and then look around to see who is going to pick them up. She's a comedian like that. She also got super cute summer duds that I can't wait to get on her. Little shorts to show off those michelin man legs :-) 

We also had a bit of food, between all the playing with Gwyn. I made a pineapple-strawberry trifle dessert. I have an aunt-in-law that does these kinds of things to the nines. She truly should have a catering business (she did my bridal and baby showers-awesome!) and I judge my efforts off her. I think she would have liked this one, if she hadn't been in Japan and could have joined us that is! Delicious!

Gwyn has been trying some more BLW and has been pretty fussy about that new upper tooth coming in, but I'll save all of that for her 6 month update coming later this week. WHAT?! Is she really 6 months old?! Almost makes me sad!

It's a big week, my parents are also coming into town from MI and we are all very excited to see them.

It's been 2 months and I think they will hardly recognize this little person! She's done alot of growing and has an even bigger personality now :-)

It is always nice to have them around and I love to see Gwyn with all the people that adore her. It is also always nice to have an extra set of hands (or two!). They actually get to spend Thursday alone with her since I'll be at work; I'm sure they will all have a great time while I count the hours until I can join in the fun!!

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