If you read my last post you know that I've been struggling a bit. I've had a case of the blahs. It happens to us all, but I think how you make your way out of it and get back on track says a lot about who you are.
I get weekly emails from several sources that keep me up to date on what G may be doing now and what I can expect her to be doing soon. The following was part of one of this week's messages:
Your inner peace and strength are your child's greatest resource. You're going to have some bad days, and you're going to make some mistakes, and the best thing you can do is forgive yourself and move on.
Hmm, that did it. I had a productive day at work, got in an elliptical workout when I got home (oh yeah-no stress fracture, just overuse so I'm taking some prescribed rest from impact activities), spent some time with G and tackled a few chores. It's amazing what a few simple words can do. And you never know where the source of some much needed motivation or inspiration will come from.
Sometimes mine is an early morning walk. Especially this time of year, the temperature is perfect, the birds are singing and the sun is rising. This is the view from my yard...pretty inspiring!
And then I remind myself of everything I am so lucky to have and there isn't anything I am more grateful for than this little one. I need to be my best for her, how much more motivating can you get?
So just remember that with every interaction you have you could inadvertently be inspiring or motivating someone. Make an effort to be positive and reinforce good habits in people...you just never know. 'Nuff said.
Glad to hear you are feeling better! This is a fabulous post and something we all needed to be reminded of everyday. And where do you live? That picture is beautiful