Friday, August 17, 2012

Beautiful Blogger Award

Oh yay! What a sweet thing to see in my comments the other day...Sabrina of Work It Miss Jackson nominated me for a Beautiful Blogger Award! It was awesome of her to think of me, she's tolerated my incessant questions about photos and apps and is kicking some major Best Body Bootcamp butt...check her out!


Anyway, here's how this works.
  1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and post in your post
  2. Thank you the person who nominated you (but wouldn't you do that anyway ;) )
  3. Tell us 7 things about yourself
  4. Nominate 7 other bloggers and comment on their blog to let them know
Pretty cool, no? Yes, definitely! So, without further ado-some Friday night randomness.

1.  Very few people have any idea what I do when I say that I'm an Industrial Hygienist. And no, it does not have anything to do with teeth. Look it up. It's not fascinating, but it pays the bills!

2.  From the time I graduated high school until just recently moving was an annual event for me. Sometimes just across town, but I was in perpetual packing mode. You would think that means I know how to get rid of unnecessary stuff-not true. I've lived in both peninsulas of MI, in OH, IN and now WV.

3. This is the 3rd house I've owned, but the first with someone else.

4.  I only planned to live in WV for a max of three years, but on my first day of work here I met the hubs and all that changed. Five and a half years later I don't see myself going anywhere anytime soon.

5.  I have a (sort of) secret desire to get certified as a personal trainer, and am becoming more and more interested in nutrition and how food affects your body. I once was overweight with a warped body image. I'm in no way perfect, but I love seeing other people realize their potential too.

6.  I'm a self-proclaimed daddy's girl and hope my daughter is too. Who am I kidding, she already is!

7.  I am not afraid to try any kind of food. Just don't tell me what it is first! I figure the worst that can happen is that you spit it out...and you may just find a new favorite! New to me this week-jicama :-)

Well, those were short and to the point, but now you have a few more tidbits of info on me! Now it's my turn to share some of my favorite bloggers with you. I'm somewhat new to this world so I don't 'know' a lot of people, but here are some I do, and some I just enjoy. All Beautiful!

Maren of Maren's Morsels-super sweet chic who was my first Foodie Pen Pal, never fails to  crack me up!

Kristin of Diva Dog Bakery-I sent her a Foodie box this month, I can't wait to buy our puppies some of her goodies! Plus, she has the most organized Pinterest page on the planet!

MaryKay of Life's Adventures-one of my BFF's whose running the Disney Princess Half with me.

Lyndsey of Hot Mama-my cuz and great friend, an absolute wealth of food/health knowledge. I'm begging her to do some more posts! 

Jessica of Chockohlowtay-OMG made over goodies. Making some of her protein bars this weekend so expect another shout out when they get devoured!

Meghan of Running Toward the Prize-fellow Michigander whose been giving me great Disney run advice.

Courtney of Journey of a Dreamer-I just started following her, but am already hooked!


  1. Aw, thanks so much for including me in your nominations :)

  2. I love how life never turns out like you planned - glad to hear you like WV

    1. If it were predictable, it'd be no fun, right?! Thanks for stopping by, I added you to my reader list-drooling over your latest sandwich right now :)

  3. I LOVE these! And I absolutely looked up Industrial Hygenist. HAHA!!!

    And I also LOVE and don't mind your questions. I'm more than happy to help. ;)

    1. Good to hear because you know I'll have more!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
